Get a business phone number | 1300 number | 1800 numbers | Get a “PHONEWORD” | Australia

Looking to get a phone number for your Business?

Watch this before you do.

We were quoted $700pm but ended up getting ours – 1800 WHAT IF – for $10pm! The main point is… BUY your phone.. THEN have it hosted.

When you start a new business the first thing you do is run out and get new business cards and a shiny new website to tell the world that you exist and to try to put on a nice professional face for clients to come in and see you The one thing that I found was when you’re filling out your contact details there is just this little thing in your phone number and when it’s just your mobile phone number its telling the world you know what I’m not as big as I’m trying to be I was hoping to get a 1-300 or a 1-800 for our business and I when and got some quotes and the initial first quote I got was $700 per month which I have thankfully found a better solution so in this video I’m gonna tell you how I got our number 1-800-WHAT-IF and we pay the huge sum of $10 per month.

If you’ve ever googled 1300 or 1800 numbers I’m sure you came across same companies that I did. When I called the map I found them very salesy and that’s a pretty good warning sign to begin with. The next thing is when I looked at google reviews, they were not very good They also noted and I got the same sense When I was talking to them was that they own your phone number So if you have to move away or you want to change anything you would lose your phone number so that’s not very good I had a lot of inconsistency around cost 1 company quoted $300 per month another company quoted $700 per month and yes this is to say my spider sense was tingling is an understatement so I did a little bit more research and this is the solution that I’ve found.

It turns out that these phone numbers act like just websites so you buy the domain and then you have them hosted pretty straight forward all you have to do is jump on the government website called and here you can search to see what numbers are available. you can search it by number or you can search it by word and what this is called is a phoneword a phoneword is just about trying to use the letters on your mobile phone keypad to signify a correlation between the letters and the numbers basically just making a number easier to remember like ours 1-800-WHAT-IF so W-H-A-T I-F or 942843

Have a play on this website you might need to try some diff combinations and for ones that will work and you’ll also know that maybe the more common words or whatever they are just might be a little bit more expensive like we payed $250 for our 5 numbers but our number here like 131 GYM is $400 and have a bit of search that’s crazy ones and some are pretty expensive step 2 is finding someone to host your number for you to be honest I didn’t do that much research on the various hosting companies out there probably because I was ecstatic that I was going from $300-$400 a month down to $10 a month the company that we are using is this one here which is FYI telco and look the good heaps of features and we aren’t using all of them They do give us ‘press 1 for melbourne’ and ‘press 2’ for brisbane option which is pretty cool depending on what you need go on do your own research We’ve got no affiliation no connection with this company So this is not a spruik It’s just this is the one that I’ve found and this is the one that we use that’s it I hope you found this video helpful as plenty more videos over on our youtube channel what if advice

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